Tag Archives: coping with stress

With exam time looming closer and closer…

With exam time looming closer and closer take a look at our tips to help pupils cope with the stress of revision.

Dont get stressed out as this will just keep you awake and cause you problems revising.

Keep a positive attitude, eat healthy – lots of brain food…. oily fish and whole grains are the best possible ways of sustaining a healthy diet. they aid both digestion and concentration.

Whole-wheat bread, cereals and pasta… a tuna sandwich is one of the best snacks you can have. Fruits such as banana’s and blueberries are full of anti oxidants that boost brainpower.

If you’re really stressed don’t keep it to yourself – share it with a parent or a teacher, explain your feelings and see what they suggest.

Get up and walk about every so often, if its a nice day don’t sit there looking out the window wishing you were outside – take your books out there and revise outside. Get up and jump around – sitting staring at a book will wear you out after too long.

Record your notes and pop in some ear plugs and go for a walk – reading them aloud helps you remember and listening back again and again will mean they sink in eventually!

If you find yourself having a blank moment don’t sit there and beat yourself up – go though the list until you find the ones you can answer, then work your way back to the more difficult ones. That way you are feeling in a more positive position to tackle the more challenging questions.

Believe in yourself – think positive have more of an ‘I will’ attitude ….and in the words of Dr Seuss..

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
You’re on your own.
And you know what you know
You are the guy who’ll decide where to go.

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