Tag Archives: safety

IMJack as an aid to personalised learning

In the last few years, teaching has moved towards a more student-centred teaching and learning experience. Before being allowed to teach, teachers are required to undertake a level of teacher training such as a Professional Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) which specialises in Pedagogy- ‘the art of teaching’.  Such training encourages teachers to get to know their pupils, by accessing their individual progress through various assessments.

Pedagogy Personalised Learning

Pedagogy Personalised Learning

Many schools are now familiar with the vision for personalised teaching and learning, defined by Christine Gilbert in the Teaching and Learning Review, 2010, as “Taking a highly structured and responsive approach to each child’s and young person’s learning, in order that all are able to progress, achieve and participate. It means strengthening the link between learning and teaching by engaging pupils – and their parents – as partners in learning.” (source http://nationalstrategies.standards.dcsf.gov.uk/)

Teachers are taught to support their pupils and provide the necessary tools for independent learning, which reinforces a sense of accomplishment for the pupil. This notion of self-gratification from independent learning is based on the social learning theory, one of the most influential theories in development and learning. This theory is connected to other cognitive theories of learning and is based around the idea that individuals learn better through reinforcement and observation. For observational learning to be successful, it is important for ‘attention, retention, reciprocation and motivation’ to be involved.

It is now becoming commonplace for schools to use computers and interactive white boards whilst teaching different lessons.  Research on the use of technology in classrooms has concluded that there is a noticeable effect on achievement and that such use of technology is highly effective when used alongside traditional classroom instruction by teachers.

IMJack is used as a secure social learning network, to allow users to find and use information and communicate with people within their network.  It also offers schools a space within which to assist learning through interaction, generating attention, helping retention, reciprocation and motivation, as well as enhancing a pupil’s sense of ability and accomplishment.  The use of IMJack can help send confidence building messages, allowing students to observe the success of others in tasks, whilst improving their own success, reinforcing positive social learning experiences.

IMJack aids learning, allowing teachers to creating an interesting, interactive and fun learning environment for their pupils.  IMJack can be personalised by teachers to present information to their class and gives pupils a chance to practise assessing their own level of understanding on various educational topics set by the teachers, as well as aiding them to find relevant information in relation to such topics.

For any more information about IMJack, please contact us via www.imjack.com.

Stewart Boutcher, Aisling Forde, Saphra Bennett, August 2010

In the last few years, teaching has moved towards a more student-centred teaching and learning experience. Before being allowed to teach, teachers are required to undertake a level of teacher training such as a Professional Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) which specialises in Pedagogy- ‘the art of teaching’.  Such training encourages teachers to get to know their pupils, by accessing their individual progress through various assessments.

Furthermore, teachers are also taught to support their pupils and provide the necessary tools for independent learning, which reinforces a sense of accomplishment for the pupil. This notion of self-gratification from independent learning is based on the social learning theory, one of the most influential theories in development and learning. This theory is connected to other cognitive theories of learning and is based around the idea that, individuals learn better through reinforcement and observation. For observational learning to be successful, it is important for ‘attention, retention, reciprocation and motivation’ to be involved.

It is now becoming commonplace for schools to use computers and interactive white boards whilst teaching different lessons.  Research on the use of technology in classrooms has concluded that there is a noticeable effect on achievement, and is effective when used alongside traditional classroom instruction by teachers.

IMJack is used as a safe social learning network, to allow users to find and use information and communicate with people within their network.  It also offers schools a space within which to assist learning through interaction, generating attention, helping retention, reciprocation and motivation, and enhancing a pupil’s sense of ability and accomplishment.  These uses of IMJack can be used to send confidence building messages, allowing students to observe the success of others in tasks, whilst improving their own success, reinforcing positive social learning experiences.

IMJack aids learning, allowing teachers to creating an interesting, interactive and fun learning environment for their pupils.  IMJack can be personalised by teachers to present information to their class and gives pupils a chance to practise assessing their own level of understanding on various educational topics set by the teachers, as well as aiding them to find relevant information in relation to such topics.

For any more information about IMJack, please contact us.

Aisling Forde, Saphra Bennett, July 2010

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Filed under Pedagogy

Social Awareness with IMJack – safely!

In the 21st Century it is vital that all young people have an understanding and good command of how to use technology, this includes the use of computers and the internet.  It is a well known fact that young people use social networking site on a regular basis.  This is where children can strike up different relationships, perhaps with inappropriate people, and even continue playground bullying.  This can be worrying for parents who can not have control of what goes on at all times.

It is important to teach young individuals about relationships and what ‘normal’ relationships and friendships should be like. In a world of social networking this is very important for young people to be able to identify and notice any strange behaviour and be able to protect themselves from any form of bullying.

Schools address the subject of relationships, bereavement and bullying through the lesson of PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic education).  This lesson has been a part of most schools for about a decade.  It is within the PSHE lessons that children are taught how to “manage risks, say ‘no’, negotiation in relationships, divorce, separation and living in reconstituted families.”

I am sure this makes parents and legal guardians feel better that schools are taking the time to address such issues and make young people aware of, how to spot and manage difficult issues.

At IMJack we believe that security is very important and are committed to keeping those who use the site safe. On our CAFE site, there are measures taken to keep children secure within a social learning environment, with one easy way to report any inappropriate behaviour quickly without causing any confusion.

In the bottom right of the IMJack system is a panic button; this button is directly linked to the Child Exploitation and Online Protection and is used to flag any inappropriate content or contact in a secure and confidential way.

Parents and legal guardians can be rest assured that measures are being taken to protect children, and children themselves can feel happy knowing they can report anything which might make them feel uncomfortable whilst using IMJack.

For any more information about IMJack, please contact us via www.imjack.com.

Aisling Forde, Stewart Boutcher July2010

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